Electronic information resources

ANL – bibliographic database of articles in Czech magazines, newspapers and anthologies

Access: http://aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=file&file_name=find-b&local_base=anl

Czech National Bibliography – Bibliographic information about published production in the Czech Republic – Articles in Czech newspapers, journals and anthologies

  • Czech books
  • Foreign Bohemica
  • National Authority
  • Dissertation and the self
  • Periodicals published in the Czech Republic

Access: http://aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=file&file_name=find-b&local_base=cnb

CSN – licensed full text database, accessible from 5 computers in the library

Database of patents and industrial designs (Industrial Property Office)

Access: http://www.upv.cz/cs/sluzby-uradu/databaze-on-line/databaze-patentu-a-uzitnych-vzoru.html


DOAJ – database of open access magazines (free access)

Access: http://doaj.org/


Econlib – Library of Economics and Liberty – full texts of classic works from the fields of economics, history, political science, philosophy

Access: http://www.econlib.org


ERIC – the largest database in the field of pedagogy and education

Access: http://eric.ed.gov/


EZB – Electronic Journals Library National Library. It also contains links to freely accessible journals

Access: http://ezb.nkp.cz

Google Scholar – Free access to search scholarly literature from many sources – articles, theses, books, quotes … Possibility to find out how many times the article was cited and by whom

Access: http://scholar.google.cz/

Further information: http://scholar.google.cz/intl/cs/scholar/about.html


Uniform Information Gateway (JIB) – portal, free access to search of Czech and foreign resources (library catalogs, catalogs …)

Access: http://www.jib.cz

Kompass – Worldwide Index Companies

Access: http://cz.kompass.com

MERK – database contains 100% certified phones, emails and contacts database managers and employees

Access: https://www.merk.cz/accounts/login/?next=/dashboard/

User: vstecb@merk.cz

Password: pic702

Subject Gateway Technology (TECH) – portal, free access to different Czech and foreign resources in the field of technology, natural and applied sciences.

Access: http://tech.jib.cz/

Subject Gateway International Relations (IReL) – Subject Gateway provides access to selected information sources of international relations and related fields

Access: http://irel.jib.cz

ProQuest STM Package – full text multimedia database of technical and natural sciences

ProQuest Central – extends the database of humanities, social sciences

Databases are licensed, configured for computer network ITB

Access: http://search.proquest.com

or: http://www.infozdroje.cz  (+ utilities, and other information)

RePEc – freely available database related to economics

Access: http://ideas.repec.org/


Scopus – licensed. The largest abstract and citation database provides information of selected articles in scientific journals in the field of engineering, natural and social sciences focused to European production, patents records, articles in anthologies … Set for computer network ITB

Access: http://www.scopus.com

Additional Information: http://info.scopus.com


Catalogue of the CR

Access: http://www.caslin.cz


Versita – freely accessible database of full-text articles in academic journals for Central and Eastern Europe

Access: http://degruyteropen.com/


WorldCat – the largest international bibliographic databases. Include records of many libraries in the world, and also a number of records freely available electronic resources

Access: http://www.worldcat.org/