Management and strategy group

Management and strategy group ensures instruction in three Bachelor study programmes (Business Economics, Human Resources Management, Business Analyst) and one follow-up Master study programme (Business Economics) accredited at the Faculty of Corporate Strategy. Those are mainly specialization subjects, such as Business Management, Corporate Strategy, Value Chain Analysis, Change Management, Operations Management, as well as subjects taught in English – Business Management and Strategic Management, upon successful completion of which students will acquire the required theoretical knowledge and practical skills specified in the graduate´s profile in the above study programmes.

The scientific and research activities are focused on the issue of generating a competitive and sustainable corporate strategy using the process analysis of value chain and the components of the corporate environment including corporate architecture, as well as dealing with the so-called triple-imperative strategy that involves three integrally linked components (corporate processes and the level of their added value, the degree of satisfaction of customer needs, and changes in the economic cycle). Currently, the academic staff is participating in the implementation of three research projects funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, specifically the ÉTA programme (“Digital transformations for innovating business models in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic” in cooperation with the principal researcher, VUT Brno, Faculty of Business and Management), the TREND programme (“Optimization of real-time custom piece production with the application of IoT and digital technologies”, with the principal research being VUSTE-APIS, s.r.o. and STS Prachatice, a.s. as a partner), and the programme Transport 2020+ (“Methodology for corporate and school mobility plans”, with the principal researcher being the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, in the cooperation with the Faculty of Technology and the School of Expertness and Valuation). Besides research projects, there can be also mentioned a project supported under Interreg V – support for modern trends in teaching with regard to Best Practice, and an ESF II project focused on the innovation of 4 Bachelor and 2 Master study programmes (within the first group, it is the innovation of Bachelor study programme Business Economics).

The priority objectives are mainly ensuring a quality educational process within all subjects guaranteed by the academic staff of this group, conducting applied research projects, innovation vouchers and contractual research projects and the related publishing activities, the transfer of new knowledge acquired within the implementation of research projects into the educational process, and strengthening the international cooperation both in the area of education and research.

Direction of research: Research and implementation of new forms of corporate architecture; Generation of competitive and sustainable corporate strategies using the process analysis of value chain and the components of the corporate environment including the corporate architecture.

  • Business Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Work experience
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Operations Management
  • Strategic management – for follow-up Master´s study programme
  • Project
  • Business Management I (EN)
  • Strategic Management (EN)
  • Management

  • VUT Brno, Faculty of Business and Management, doc. Šimberová – implementation of research projects, external supervisor of PhD study programmes
  • ČZU, Faculty of Economics and Management
  • University of Žilina, PEDAS, external supervisor of PhD study programmes
  • Paneurópska vysoká škola, n. o., EFP, external supervisor of PhD study programmes
  • ISAL, Madeira – ERASMUS, established cooperation in the area of research and publications.
  • JVTP, a.s. – cooperation in research projects
  • STS Prachatice, a.s. – implementation of research projects, cooperation in the planned establishment of external research department
  • VUSTE-APIS, s.r.o. – cooperation in the implementation of research projects
  • Jihostroj Velešín, a.s. – cooperation in research projects
  • VISCOFAN CZ, s.r.o.
  • Holistic management, s.r.o.

  • Analysis of the generation of corporate value added (corporate value map) with a formulation of a set of recommendations in order to increase the company´s margin and a proposed business strategy
    Concept: A decomposition of business processes will be performed on a selected company, with their classification into value-creation and support processes. The processes will be subject to analysis from the perspective of fulfilling their function, i.e., generation of added value. Based on the analysis of the transformation phase of the company, where the expected result is determining the added value of individual value-creation processes, a set of measures will be proposed in cooperation with the management of the given company aimed at increasing the company´s margin. The solution will include the analysis of product portfolio (or service portfolio) in terms of maximizing the company´s profitability.
  • Corporate analysis of generating added value in business (corporate value map), with a proposal of a set of measures and process innovations aimed at increasing corporate margin.
  • Innovation of corporate or business strategy in accordance with the results of the corporate market environment analysis.
  • Analysis of the current production and business processes of a given company in the form of a process map including the input PVA model. The proposal and optimization of processes and formulation of other measures on the basis of the outputs of the applied PVA model. The activities are aimed at reducing the costs of both production and non-production processes and increasing competitiveness.
  • Preparation of a corporate process including the proposal of a set of measures aimed at their higher effectiveness and operability.
  • Analysis of the existing business portfolio of a company and its assessment aimed at increasing the competitiveness of a company and its market share.
  • Assessment of the elements of corporate architecture in terms of the new needs of the market and the market economy (organization and management, corporate and management competencies, analysis of corporate environment, etc.).
  • Innovation of management and organisational structures.

  • Internal research competition of ITB: “Change in the strategic management paradigm using mathematical modelling“ IVSUPS2304.
  • Specific university research 2023-2025: “Parametrization of corporate business strategy using mathematical modelling “. 01SVV2325.
  • TA CR Transport 2022+: Methodology for corporate and school mobility plans CK03000135. The goal of the project is to develop certified methodologies for business and school mobility plans that could be implemented in the processes of developing plans for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP). Those methodologies would become a practical guide for dealing with one of the most limiting issues for the development of sustainability of urban agglomerations which corporate and school mobility undeniably is. The implementation of the project should include the projection of direct analytical tools implemented in the methodologies, which could be used by the target groups to address transport policy in the municipality-school and municipality-business entities relationship, with the aim of increasing sustainability in urban mobility. The proposed methodologies will emphasize the socio-economic, urban, environmental, and other factors providing a realistic platform for sustainable urban development.
  • TA CR programme Trend: Optimization of real-time custom piece production management using IoT and digital technologies.
  • TA CR programme Éta: Digital transformations for innovating business models in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic.
  • Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria EÚS target: Supporting modern trends in teaching in relation to Best Practice/ Unterstützung moderner Trends im Unterricht in Bezug auf Best Practices – no. 261
  • Innovation vouchers – Call VI. – Priority axis 1 Development of research and development for innovations: “Optimization of production and business process using the PVA model“. CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_358/0027938, cooperation with STS Prachatice a.s.
  • Custom work for Viscofan CZ s.r.o.: “Implementing elements of Lean production using PVA (Process value added) “. The application of PVA (process value added) and its performance indices for the purposes of identifying the most and the least profitable articles in relation to setting corporate processes leading to the optimization of corporate business strategy.

  • Digital firm and Digital Factory in the conditions of Industry 4.0
    Concept: There will be created a practical model of a digital company managed on the basis of corporate processes, including the model of Digital Factory Education intended for students, who will perceive it as a business, production, economic, organization, etc. subject with a possibility of modelling the necessary components for its functioning.
  • Models of effective corporate business strategy
    Concept: The concept in the form of a mathematical model integrates 3 variable parameters of product portfolio efficiency. The expected output is the creation of an effective structure of corporate resources and values (product or services portfolio) while reducing the costs of the transformation process of the company. IBM (Innovation Business Model) will be created using mathematical modelling and verified on model companies KM.