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VŠTE attended the kick-off meeting of the OPTI-UP project in Zagreb

VŠTE attended the kick-off meeting of the OPTI-UP project in Zagreb From Question to Collaborative Approach: What is OPTI-UP? In the beginning, a question emerged – and that question addressed how we can respond to the current challenges of public transportation: decline of customers, difficult long-term planning, and suburban connectivity gaps. These challenges aren’t isolated […]

Two Chinese students successfully graduated from the Business Administration bachelor’s program at VŠTE

Two Chinese students successfully graduated from the Business Administration bachelor’s program at VŠTE At the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, two self-paying students from China successfully completed their bachelor’s studies: Xiaofeng Yang and He Chen. They finished their three-year studies with the state ceremonies, which took place on Thursday, June 30, on […]

We have launched English Instagram and Facebook

We have launched English Instagram and Facebook page to keep in touch with international students, staff and partners online. If you would like to know more about the international activities and news at our institute, follow us here:   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vstebudweis/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vste_budweis/?hl=cs

VSTE academics and Motor Jikov are working on improving technology of ductile iron casting production

Global competitiveness of Czech Budweis company Motor Jikov Slévárna will be significantly improved by improving the technologies of ductile iron casting production.  A highly complex project promoting Czech export is carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Technology and Business (VSTE). The total cost of the project is CZK 38.5 million, which makes it […]

Faculty of Technology starts the project titled “Innovations in circular economy – environmental labels and declarations”

Faculty of technology starts the project titled “Innovations in circular economy – environmental labels and declarations”. The project will be realized between the years 2019-2021 in consortium of four universities from the Visegrad Group (Rzeszow University of Technology, Technical University of Košice, The Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, Széchenyi István University Audi […]

Modernization of the REST AREA in campus

We are building new rest zone for you. From 20th of August until 15th November 2019, modernization of the part of VSTE campus will be going on behind the building D. In the pictures you can see a visualization of the new area, which should include multiple seats to study or relax and summerhouse with […]

We are setting up a women’s basketball team Black Cats and we are looking just for you!

When we roll as the Black Dogs on ice, why not to score as Black Cats on basketball field? Women’s basketball team of VŠTE called Black Cats is looking for new players! Students, girls, ladies, do you know that the most fit girls are basketball players? Would you like to be join them, but there […]

New cooperation with Kazakhstan occuring

The Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan J. E. Serzhan Oralbayevych Abdykarimov had visited the institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice (VŠTE). The representatives discussed the possibilities of concrete cooperation between the countries and education of Kazakh students at VŠTE. In recent years, Kazakhstan has been keen to deepen cooperation with Czech Republic, […]


Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická
v Českých Budějovicích
Okružní 517/10,
370 01 České Budějovice

In Russian
Ing. Anna Shirokova
+420 778 441 680

In English and French
Ing. Renata Ulbrichtová
+420 773 759 624

