Research Projects and Grants

Seventh Framework Programme

The Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration is another area in which VŠTE is actively involved. It is the main tool of the European Union for financing research and development. The programme’s budget for the period 2007 – 2013 was € 50.5 billion and the budget for the 7th RP EURATOM (2007-2011) is approximately  € 2.8 billion. The concept and structure of the 7th framework programme are designed in accordance with the needs of Europe in the area of employment and competitiveness. Great emphasis is put on international cooperation and the implementation of high quality research.


Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness

One of the most extensive project areas is the Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness (OP VK). This is a multi-annual thematic programme under the stewardship of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSMT), from which it is possible to draw funds for the programme period 2007-2013 from the European Social Fund (ESF), one of the structural funds of the European Union (EU).


Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

VŠTE is involved in the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA CR), which started its activities in 1993. It is an independent State institution that supports basic scientific research in the Czech Republic. The agency provides financial support to scientific projects, both for erudite scientists and teams and for young and beginning scientific workers, within the programmes announced. It further finances bilateral projects and projects within European international programmes.


Technological Agency of the Czech Republic

VŠTE is involved in the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR), which is a State organisation founded in 2009 under Act no. 130/2002 Coll. on support of research, experimental development and innovations. The establishment of TA CR was one of the most important steps to be implemented in the reform of the system for research, development and innovations The Technological Agency of the Czech Republic centralized State support for applied research and development which until then was fragmented over a large number of providers.


Departmental Research

Departmental Research – the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice can help resolve problematic areas of individual regional entities by utilising its capacities in the area of research of development and creative activity. Actual cooperation is dependent on the scope and specification of the respective task. An example of cooperation are the surveys prepared for SŽDC, s.o.


Human Resources

Another area, in which VŠTE is actively involved, is the Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment, which is focused on the reduction of unemployment by means of active labour market policy, professional education, and the reintegration of socially excluded citizens back into society, improving the quality of public administration and international cooperation in the aforementioned areas.


International Cooperation Activities in Research & Development Supporting Mobility of Research Workers and MOBILITY Workers

Institutional support provided under the activities of the MOBILITY programme is destined to finance the international mobility of research workers. This activity is implemented on the basis of intergovernmental agreements on technological cooperation concluded by the Czech Republic with partner states. Natural and legal persons, public universities, public research institutions and other research entities that may be called research organisations in accordance with article 2.2., item d) of the Community Framework for State Aid for Research, Development and Innovations (2006/C 323/01) may apply for institutional support from public funds within the scope of MOBILITY activities.


University Development Fund

The University Development Fund is a very significant area in which higher education institutes perform activities.  The Fund is created from finances which the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, based on the opinions of the Council of Higher Education Institutions, annually sets aside from the budget of universities. The funds are used in accordance with the respective legal regulations to subsidize projects that are focused on the development of higher education and the creative development of educational activities in higher education institutions that fall under the responsibility of the Ministry.


CERGE-EI Foundation

The CERGE-EI Foundation was founded in 1991 with the goal to support economic education, research and other activities in which VŠTE is actively involved. The Foundation’s mission is to multilaterally support and develop economic education, teaching and research.


European Territorial Cooperation (EÚS) Austria

VŠTE participates in the European Territorial Cooperation (EÚS) Austria – Czech Republic 2007-2013 programme, the goal of which is to support sustainable cross-border cooperation in the territory covered by the programme. Its function is to accelerate social and economic development and more intense regional cross-border integration. It provides a wide range of types of support. All joint projects assume compliance with the principles of sustainability and equal opportunities.


National Agencies for European Educational Programmes

VŠTE participates in the programmes organized by the National Agency for European Educational Programmes (NAEP) as a part of the Centre for International Cooperation in Education (DZS), which coordinates international cooperation on educational programmes. NAEP, the successor of the Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci National Agencies, was established as a result of a new generation of Lifelong Learning Programmes (LLP) for the period 2007-2013.


Regional Grants

Other areas in which VŠTE actively participates are research projects and grants offered by the region of South Bohemia. This involvement results mainly from the professional and regional focus of the Institute, which would like to contribute to the development and competitiveness of the region through its activities.


Interreg Danube

Interreg DanubeThe Danube Region holds huge potential for sustainable generation and storage of renewable energy. However, to date this region is highly dependent on energy imports, while energy efficiency, diversity and renewables share are low. In line with the EU climate targets for 2030 and the EUSDR PA2 goals DanuP-2-Gas will advance transnational energy planning by promoting generation and storage strategies for renewables in the Danube Region by coupling the electric power and gas sector. DanuP-2-Gas will bring together energy agencies, business actors, public authorities and research institutions via the Danube Energy Platform. Based on the platform developed during DTP project ENERGY BARGE it will incorporate all pre-existing tools and i.a. an Atlas, mapping prior unexamined available biomass and energy infrastructure.